★★★★★ I’m really happy with the process we hammered out with you. Our senior leadership team is really coming together. I’ve noticed an absolute difference! Everyone’s engaged. There are no shrinking violets.
The Geocaching game was one of the most illuminating things I have ever done. I haven’t had a lesson ‘shoved down my throat’ in a very long time… [said with disbelief but total sincerity] …I’m still thinking about that lesson…how valuable it was…and how much work we still have to do…I’ve personally upped my game since the retreat and I am much better at focussing on the present, here and now.
It closed the circle on what we’ve been doing for the past 3-4 years with you. It really came together. Why we exist, our core values. I got exactly what I wanted to get out of it for me and my team – a road map!
Ed Morgan, General Manager, Guaranty RV Super Centers; Junction City, Oregon
★★★★★ We accomplished a lot and couldn’t have done it without your help! Our management team has gotten a lot closer and developed a lot more respect for each other. I’ve seen drastic improvement in our middle managers. They aren’t coming in to see me to complain but to consult about solving problems. We have been using the tools you gave us. We are right on with our hiring and using the procedures you helped us hammer out -especially in our sales department. The quality of the people that we are bringing on board will pay us big dividends down the road. The conclusion of our senior management team was that things are better than they have ever been before. I am really, very happy with our progress. I’ve seen a great deal of improvement! It doesn’t even seem like the same company that I joined one year ago -and you have had a really big part in that. I hope that you facilitate our retreat again next year!”
L.J., Human Resource Director; Oregon
★★★★★ Our company has never done anything like this training before and I’ve been a manager here for 15 year. It was definitely different. Having you facilitate our annual retreat changed the dynamic. We had more genuine conversation and our team followed up on the plan we made at the retreat.
T. C. Sales Manager; Oregon